Declutter kitchen countertops
Declutter kitchen countertops


The same goes for you, my friend! It’s important to come up with reasons for why you want to keep your kitchen island clutter free. I love the feeling it gives me, and so I bring that image to mind every time I need to recall why I do this particular task.


My reasons for keeping my kitchen island clutter free are important to me, and having them defined has made it so much easier for me to stay motivated to declutter the counter on a regular basis. Then I’m ready to create digital products for my online shops or join the kids for a puzzle. I can relax into my space and feel accomplished. I’ve come to realize that if I can keep this space clear and clean, allowing the countertop to gleam and my cute basket centerpiece to be the focal point (as opposed to the piles of paper or the left-out cereal boxes), then I can take a long, deep breath.


When the kitchen island is full of junk, so is my brain. It frees me up mentally and emotionally.My husband and I can be cutting up fruit and pouring the crepes all in the same place that my kids are eating them, and we can laugh and talk as a family.

declutter kitchen countertops

For example, it’s a fun place for us to eat crepes on Saturday mornings. The kitchen island is a fun place for us as a family to switch things up during meal times.

  • We like to eat there as a family on occasion.
  • I can supervise easily (because they are still toddlers), while also giving them the space and freedom to create their own masterpieces. Having them there instead of at the kitchen table allows them to be with me in the kitchen. A decluttered kitchen island gives my kids a place to play with Play-doh, color, or do other fun crafts. So if I keep my kitchen island clutter free, I am much more likely to invite people in and host intimate get togethers in my home. And even though I consider myself an introvert, I do long for meaningful connection with others. When my kitchen is a mess, I feel embarrassed about inviting people into my home. I’ll tell you my reasons, and maybe they’ll help you discover your own. When you decide you’re going to make a point to intentionally keep your kitchen island clutter free, how do you stay motivated to do so? Day after day, you’ll be completing this task, so what’s going to make you do it? Why keep your kitchen island clutter free? Then you can enjoy your kitchen island too! And I plan to share the tips for how I’m doing it with you in this post. I find it best to keep it clean on a daily basis, so that the clutter doesn’t build up to monstrous proportions. And if you let things go for a few days, you suddenly can’t see the countertop anymore because it’s so full.

    declutter kitchen countertops

    It’s like there’s a magnet inside, drawing all the random stuff from your house to itself. Kitchen islands are notorious for collecting clutter.

    declutter kitchen countertops

    And of course, there are the random items that don’t even belong there, like the kids’ jackets or a drill from your latest fix-it project. Is anyone else’s kitchen like this? You just get it clean and suddenly it’s overflowing again. So, I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly amazed at how fast the kitchen island fills up with stuff.


    Decluttering your kitchen island (and keeping it that way) is a daunting task sometimes! Here are my top 8 tips for how to keep your kitchen island clutter free and ready to use!

    Declutter kitchen countertops